Addy van den Krommenacker

Addy van den Krommenacker

Addy van den Krommenacker

Amazon by Addy

The elegant sporty look of the Amazon

Amazon by Addy

De “Amazon by Addy”heeft als thema de paardensport, ofwel hippische sport .

“De Amazon by Addy”print ademt de sportieve wereld van de paardensport uit. Frisse groene graskleuren in combinatie met de brique kleuren van het paard.

The theme “Amazon by Addy” is equestrian, or equestrian sport. The Amazon by Addy print exudes the sporty world of equestrian sports.  Fresh green grass colors in combination with the brique colors of the horse.

Bosch by Addy Heaven Collection

Addy van den Krommenacker was inspired by the painting by Jeroen Bosch “the garden of earthly delights”. He designed 3 themes, Heaven for the romantic woman, Forest for the nature woman and Birth for the mother in the woman. The print has been a signature of his label.Every season he releases new items for this print, like  the new “Heaven”items

 The plisse skirt and the plisse dress.

Out of Africa by Addy

After his trip to Uganda for the Liliane Foundation and the stories of his assistant  Youlty Ismaila Jallow from The Gambia
Addy van den Krommenacker was inspired by Africa. He called his collection “Out of Africa” ​​and we also see
he got inspiration from this famous movie.

Demi Couture

Couture by Addy

  In 2007 Addy van den Krommenacker made furore abroad with his show at the Alta Moda Roma.
As a child, Addy drew princesses at the kitchen table and later he was allowed to design for princesses.
His evening dresses are his signature and are worn by stars at home and abroad.
Every design can be custom made, for your ultimate party Addy can design a beautiful creation.
On this site are some of the show dresses. These dresses are an inspiration for you to get some ideas
The show dresses you  see are size 36/38 0r S/M .
they also can be made  custom made, but then the price is about 30% higher